Sustainable Battery Systems
Building an Environment-Friendly Future

Utilizing Global Expertise to Construct Sustainable Battery Systems

Sustainable Battery Systems

The world is transitioning to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future. There are many new methods and ways being adopted for this, including electric vehicles, renewable energy, and many more. One thing that is common in most of these methods and practices is the rising adoption of lead batteries. There are different ways lead batteries are contributing to the path towards a sustainable future. The sustainable battery industry is being led by the circular battery. The system of lead ecological batteries is setting new standards for other industries to follow. If a collection and recycling system is well established, as many as 99% of the lead batteries can be collected once their cycle is over and recycled. This number is way bigger than all the other battery technologies. The Lead Batteries have become synonymous with the sustainable battery systems. With the implementation of an effective eco-design, as much as 90% material of a lead battery is recovered. As a result, an average lead battery is made up of approximately 80% recycled material.

batteries and sustainable battery systems

Institute of Advanced Materials, IAAM, provides a wide range of services in the field of lead batteries and sustainable battery systems. The company has constituted a consortium on this critically important field in order to discuss the obstacles and potential of the same. IAM utilizes its global network and expertise on Lead batteries to provide consultancy services in this area and also generate insights for the progress of this sector. The IAM consortium on Sustainable Battery Systems is designed to leverage the expertise of all the participants to find solutions to all the challenges of the industry and create an environment for collaboration.

Objectives of the consortium:

IAM’s consortium on ‘Sustainable Battery System’ witnesses the participation of experts from all over the world. The main objectives of this consortium are:

  • Discussing about ways to facilitate more effective and better implementation of lead batteries in different industries.
  • Devising methods to create better infrastructure in the industries to stimulate the growth in use of lead batteries.
  • Creating more awareness about the benefits of using Lead batteries in place of the traditional methods of energy production.
  • Discussing opportunities for collaboration between organizations from the energy industry and academia to create better sustainable energy and battery systems.
  • Exploring the manufacturing infrastructure for lead batteries and discussing ways to improve the supply chain.